What will college cost?

According to a July 2011 Fox Business News article, the median income in the United States has held steady around $33,000 since 1998, while college tuition has more than doubled. Such a trend means that even if you have just one child enrolled in college in 2031, the price tag for the average college degree could be around $353,000.

This projected figure is based on a student attending an out-of-state public college for four years. Before you collapse from sticker shock, however, remember that most parents don’t end up covering the full costs of college tuition.

Planning, budgeting and understanding the many ways to save for college and receiving financial aid can help reduce anxiety and ensure that your youngsters will achieve their higher education goals. Your goal as a parent should be to save a portion of college costs, not the entire amount.

Continue reading the entire article here.


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Talking to Your Kids About 9-11

It can be difficult and confusing to talk to your children about the events of Sept. 11, especially when your own feelings are so charged about the situation. It is important, however, that children learn about what has become the wallpaper of their generation and that their feelings toward it be validated.

Here, Dr. Mary Pulido, executive director the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, provides comprehensive advice and practical guidance on what to say – and do – for parents of kids of all ages.

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Remembering the Youngest Lives Lost on 9-11

It’s an understatement to say that our lives changed that day. We hung flags and pledged we would never forget. Part of that pledge is helping others understand exactly what we’re fighting for and what we lost the moment that first plane struck the North Tower.

Did you know that it took less than 2½ hours from the time the first of the soon-to-be-hijacked planes took off until the North Tower fell? That time line includes the crash of all four airplanes, the shutdown of all domestic flights in the U.S., the fall of both towers and the collapse of a portion of the Pentagon.

Did you know that of the 2,606 people killed in the twin towers and on the grounds of the WTC, families had nothing to bury for 1,100 of them? No remains were found for nearly half of those lost.

To put things into perspective for a moment, imagine this scenario: You, your husband and your two young daughters are leaving the U.S. for two months. You have gotten a prestigious appointment at a university in Australia, and the entire family is coming along to experience the Land Down Under.

It is a beautiful Tuesday morning, the sun is shining, the sky is crystal blue and the air is crisp. Everything seems right with the world as you set off on your expedition.

Your flight is running about 10 minutes late. You speak to your mom as you’re about to board. She tells you to have a wonderful ad-venture. You turn off your cell phone for flight.
Your plane finally takes off, and, soon after, hijackers use box cut-ters and knifes to take control of the plane, herding passengers and crew to the back. You may think about your loved ones, but you don’t make any calls. You’re too concerned with soothing the fears of your daughters.

This is the story of the Falkenberg family. Leslie A. Whittington and Charles S. Falkenberg, both 45, had been married since 1984. Their daughters were Zoe, 8, and Dana, 3. It was Leslie, an economist and associate professor of public policy at Georgetown University, who secured a short appointment as a visiting fellow at Australian National University at Canberra.

They died when their airplane, American Airlines Flight 77 from Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles, hit the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. They were among the 58 passengers, four flight attendants and two pilots who died on that ill-fated flight.

No remains were ever found for little Dana, one of the youngest victims of 9/11.

Her name is placed on a grave marker in Arlington National Cemetery where the cremated ashes of all remains not linked to a particular victim are buried. Other remains, which were identified, were included in this grave at the families’ request.

Remains of the five hijackers on the flight were separated from those of the victims before burial.

Dana and Zoe weren’t the only children on that flight. Bernard Curtis Brown II, Asia S. Cottom and Rodney Dickens, all age 11, were accompanied by their teachers — Hilda Taylor, 62, Sarah Clark, 65, and James Daniel Debeuneure, 58, respectively — en route to a four-day National Geographic trip to California. All three of those teachers held Master’s degrees and were veteran teachers in their school systems.

Bernard Curtis Brown II

Asia S. Cottom

Rodney Dickens

          A total of eight children under the age of 11 died on Sept. 11, 2001. The only children to die as a result of the attacks were on hijacked flights. The remaining three were on United Airlines Flight 175, which hit the South Tower.

Students as old as high school seniors have no frame of reference for what happened on that black Tuesday. They were too young to understand when it happened and may only now be curious about it because of media coverage of the 10th anniversary.

To quote a story I read earlier this week, “First and foremost, parents struggle with how and when to explain the disaster, especially to younger kids. For many children born after 2001, Sept. 11 is simply part of the wallpaper of their generation … but other kids, especially those old enough to remember the attacks, are more conscious of it. And their response to it can change over time.”

Children get older and rethink certain events with a new understanding.

Take some time this weekend to honor those lost 10 years ago and gently explain what happened on that bleak day to someone too young to remember.

We promised we would never forget.

To learn more about the Falkenberg family or any of the children lost, click their pictures.

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Remembering 9-11

The Flag Manufacturers Association of America urges all citizens to proudly display our nation‘s greatest symbol, the American flag, this Sunday, Sept. 11, in honor of those who fell victim to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

This date has been designated as Patriot Day, but it has added significance this year because of the 10th anniversary of the attacks.

The President of the United States issues a proclamation each year in the days leading up to September 11, requesting that government officials and citizens observe the day appropriately. There is no better way to honor our country and our fellow Americans than by flying your American flag half-staff on the anniversary of one of the darkest days in our nation‘s history.

It is thought by many that the worst terrorist attack in American history brought out the best in the American people. We flew our American flags proudly, in a spirit of unity that has seldom been seen in modern times. We were brought together under one symbol and on this anniversary it is important for us to unite once again.

You still have time to get your flag from Fantastic Flags.

Another option is our American heroes flag, dedicated to supporting our heroes who are returning from the front. Purchase the American Heroes standard size flag for $24.99 or the garden flag for $13.99. All net proceeds from this weather resistant flag benefit military families and wounded warriors through Operation Homefront.

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Are you hiding from me?

New information from the Pew Research Center indicates that 80% of American adults own cell phones. Besides making a call, the most popular activities are texting and taking pictures.

For those of you who pretend to be on a call to avoid talking to someone unpleasant, you are not alone. There are 13% of Americans engaging in the same activity.

To read the entire report, click here.


A New Feature at Fantastic Flags

Now you can send your email address via text message to join our newsletter.

Text FANTASTICFLAGS to 22828 to get started.

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Tame Morning Madness

Mornings can be so hard to deal with. Getting out of bed is a chore and everything from there is downhill.

Here’s a solution: Create a launch pad for each member of the family and things will run smoothly. (We can’t do anything about helping you get up in the morning.)

Bless This HomeAccording to organizedhome.com, a launch pad is a single location to contain all the “out-the-door” essentials of life. Setting one up can be as simple as clearing a shelf in a bookcase and designating an area of the home as family’s Launch Pad.

For the little ones, the Launch Pad is home to permission slips, lunch boxes, homework, library books and science fair projects. For the household’s “big kids,” the Launch Pad holds handbags, car keys, return videos, dry cleaning and the day’s ration of Slim-Fast. One place. One special place to corral items every family member must have to leave the house each morning.

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What is your child’s learning style?

Best Mom EverIn honor of the start of a new school year, we bring you a quiz to determine your child’s learning style. It’s short – only 10 questions – so don’t fret.

Knowing whether your child is an auditory, visual or kinesthetic learner will help you to aid your child with his homework and with topics that are difficult for him to understand.

The quiz is definitely geared to younger children, but you can use it for anyone of any age.

Also of interest, free printables for school and family.

A ton of free school worksheets.

And here’s a homework chart.

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Back to School Tips

With school on the horizon, try these tips to ease the transition from a summer of Back to Schoolrelaxation to a year of hitting the books. Getting the school year started right can improve a child’s confidence and outlook on the entire year.
The National Association of School Psychologists offers these tips:
Be sure your child is in good physical and mental health. Schedule doctor and dental checkups early. Discuss any concerns you have over your child’s emotional or psychological development with your pediatrician.
Review the material sent by the school as soon as it arrives. These packets include important information about your child’s teacher, room number, school supply requirements, sign ups for after school sports and activities, school calendar dates, bus transportation, health and emergency forms, and volunteer opportuni-ties.
Mark your calendar. Make a note of important dates, especially back-to-school nights. This is especially important if you have children in more than one school and need to juggle obligations. Arrange for a baby-sitter now, if necessary.
Make copies of all your child’s health and emergency information for reference. Health forms are typically good for more than a year and can be used again for camps, extracurricular activities, and the following school year.
Try to get the supplies as early as possible and fill the backpacks a week or two before school starts. Older children can help do this, but make sure they use a checklist that you can review. Some teachers require specific supplies, so save receipts for items that you may need to return later.
Plan to re-establish the bedtime and mealtime routines (especially breakfast) at least 1 week before school starts.
Designate and clear a place to do homework. Older children should have the option of studying in their room or a quiet area of the house. Younger children usually need an area set aside in the family room or kitchen to facilitate adult monitoring, supervision, and encouragement.
Select a spot to keep backpacks and lunch boxes. Designate a spot for your children to place their school belongings as well as a place to put important notices and information sent home for you to see. Explain that emptying their backpack each evening is part of their responsibility, even for young children.
Freeze a few easy dinners. It will be much easier on you if you have dinner prepared so that meal preparation will not add to household tensions during the first week of school.

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Proper Retirement of U.S. Flags

It is unknown exactly how many Americans display an American flag at their homes, but we know a lot of you do.



Few, however, know how to properly dispose of their flag when it becomes too tattered or faded, and correct disposal is a show of respect for one of our most recognizable national symbols.

Retiring a worn-out flag in a few simple – but specific – steps is a simple process. Cut the blue field from the flag and set it aside. Next, cut each red and white stripe apart one by one. Then, burn all portions on a modest but blazing fire.

This should be done simply, but with dignity and respect shown at all times. Be sure any retired flags are reduced to ashes and are unrecognizable as a former flag.

If you wish to further enhance your flag retirement, simple ideas for a flag burning ceremony include:

  • Explaining a brief history of each of the red, white and blue sections as they are being cut apart. This would include explaining their significance.



  • Asking local veterans to retire individual sections of the flag (especially if there are a number to be disposed)
  • Playing patriotic songs softly in the background as the flags are retired
  • Listing some of the rights and duties of American citizens. This could utilize the Bill of Rights.
  • While preparing for a ceremony involving elementary school age children, have them list ways to be a good citizen. They could read some of these out loud while the ceremony is ongoing.
  • Include Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts in your ceremony.FREEDOM BASKET - MW4048G

Proper retirement of U.S. flags is not difficult, and a ceremony to accompany it can be as simple or as intricate

as you wish. While not required, such ceremonies can make any flag retirement more meaningful for all participants.

Show your patriotism with a flag that never has to be retired. Visit the patriotic flags section of Fantastic Flags now to start shopping.

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Keep Your Pets Safe!

If you’re an animal lover, then you want to keep your pets safe. Their safety, though, isn’t always assured no matter how cautious we are. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals received more than 167,000 calls at its Animal Poison Control Center last year.



Why? Because there are several products in the home that would be considered safe for people, but not for our furry friends.

According to the June issue of WebMD magazine, 5 poisons that should be kept out of your pet’s reach include:

  • People Medications – NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen can cause kidney damage in both cats and dogs. Antidepressants can cause vomiting and serotonin syndrome.
  • People Food – We’ve always heard that you’re not supposed to feed chocolate to dogs. It causes everything from vomiting to death. Did you know that avocados can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs? Meanwhile, onions, garlic, chives, milk and other dairy products can similarly upset cats.
  • Anti-Pest Products – These are poisons meant for rodents or insects, but they can also cause a multitude of problems for your pets including spontaneous bleeding, muscle tremors and seizures.
  • Plants – Some of the most toxic varieties for pets include azaleas and rhododendrons, tulip bulbs and sago palms.
  • Household Chemicals – So many of these can harm your pets. Some of the most common products are antifreeze, paint thinner, cleansers, pool chemicals and fertilizers. Depending on the poison, these can cause anything from stomach upset and depression to breathing problems or chemical burns.


If you suspect your pet may have been poisoned, gather samples of the poison and/or your pet’s vomit, and call your vet or Animal Poison Control at 888-426-4435 immediately.

For more information on keeping your pet safe, visit the ASPCA’s website. Also on this site is a form to fill out in order to receive a free pet safety pack which includes a pet rescue window decal and an ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center magnet—a great way to keep the toll-free emergency number handy at all times!

Love your pet? Show the world! Visit Pet Central on Fantastic Flags’ website today.



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